Five for Friday – Five hockey links worth sharing: Bruce Boudreau, Toy Story and the worst Avs jersey ever!

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Behold the Five for Friday curated list of hockey links worth clicking on. As if you had something better to do at work on a Friday:)

We’re always researching for a project/podcast and finding cool stuff worth sharing. Here’s what we’ve found this week. Stay Awesome!

  1. Bruce Boudreau chooses Minnesota Wild for next coaching gig – By
  2. It turns out that underwater hockey… is a real thing. Behold!
  3. 70 Year Old Floorball Man Dangles at Ball Hockey Game ft. Uncle Pav.
  4. Someone surely needs to turn this into a gif? Right?
  5. You want to fight? Fight ME! (Bruce Lee voice here). So, evidently someone thought this was a great Avs jersey idea! It costs more than other jersey like Stastny and Landy as well. But hey, what do I know about black market jerseys?

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